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Illegal marijuana growers take refuge in the vast wilderness of the west, reaping the benefits of the lucrative black market and leaving behind poisoned land, water, and wildlife in their wake. This Land looks at trespass cannabis cultivation through the eyes of Greta Wengert and Mourad Gabriel, co-directors of the Integral Ecology Research Center (IERC), and a husband-wife team on the front lines of the fight against trespass grows. The film journeys alongside IERC and law enforcement agents as they work to restore public lands that have been ravaged by illegal growers, and return them to the wildlife from which they have been stolen.


It takes sacrifice to do this work, but the only thing that would end Mourad and Greta's fight would be 'if one year, we were told there were no new sites in the forest'.  


To learn more about IERC and support their work, click here.


Past screenings and talks


International Wildlife Film Festival 2020 and Q&A session


Interview with Director Maddy Rifka - KGBA Radio, Missoula Montana


Wildlife Conservation Film Festival 2021


Scott Watershed Information Forum - Trespass Cannabis in Northern California talk and screening of This Land



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